The Bay Street Corridor Team invites you to participate in the upcoming Draft Neighborhood Strategy Workshop on May 19th and 21st.
The Bay Street Corridor Team invites you to participate in the upcoming Draft Neighborhood Strategy Workshop on May 19th and 21st. This study builds on the North Shore 2030 Report, released in December 2011. This ground-up planning process intends to leverage $1 billion public and private investments recently devoted to St. George and along the Stapleton Waterfront.
Surrounded predominately by residential zoning districts along the principal connection between St. George, Stapleton, and the Verrazano Bridge, the Bay Street Corridor study area is defined as an existing M1-1 manufacturing zoning district, where as-of-right residential development is currently not permitted. Rezoning this area is an opportunity to reimagine this urban corridor to enable development which will better serve the surrounding neighborhoods and capitalize on the existing transportation infrastructure within one of Staten Island’s most transit rich areas.
The Context Area has been defined by the 2010 US Decennial Census Tract boundaries and have enabled a more robust demographic analysis of the area to be undertaken. The Bay Street Corridor @ Downtown Staten Island initiative will evaluate identified neighborhood needs within the Context Area and evaluate potential strategies to meet these identified needs.
The Bay Street Corridor @ Downtown Staten Island Neighboorhod Planning Study aims to examine key land use and zoning issues in the neighborhood, but also take a broader, more comprehensive look at current and future community needs to identify a wide range of strategies and investments for the Bay Street Corridor’s growth and vitality. For example, we would look at creating a new mixed-use district on the North Shore of Staten Island to support the borough’s downtown neighborhoods, provide a wider range of retail and services, and expand affordable housing options for a range of income groups, including seniors and young adults within walking distance of the ferry.
View the Study Area and Context Area boundaries
The Study is a part of Housing New York, the Mayor’s housing plan to build and preserve affordable housing through community development initiatives and to foster a more equitable and livable New York City. Housing is considered “affordable” if a household spends no more than a third of its total income on housing costs.
The Bay Street Corridor @ Downtown Staten Island Neighborhood Planning Study aims to include strategies for: