DCAS – Work for New York City – DCAS Monthly Exam Schedule

Current & Upcoming Exams

DCAS releases an Annual Civil Service Exam Application Schedule that lists all exams open for filing during the fiscal year (July through June). The exams schedule is available in Alpha Order and Application Period Order. The exam schedule is tentative for the Fiscal Year as some exams may be cancelled or postponed. The schedule is updated on a monthly basis to reflect any changes, as applicable.

Exams for which applications are currently being accepted may be found in the Monthly Exam Applications Schedule or within the tables below, including those exams offered at our Computer-based Testing & Applications Centers (CTACs).

Exam Alerts

Exams Open to the Public

Open Competitive Computer-based Tests Administered at the CTACs

Apply and schedule yourself through the Online Application System from home or at a Computer-based Testing and Applications Center (CTAC). CTACs are open 6 days a week.

Important Information: Electronic devices, including cell phones, are not permitted in the testing areas. Check the Notice of Examination to see if calculators are permitted. If requesting a fee waiver, you must provide a copy of acceptable documentation. DCAS staff cannot make copies of your documentation. Seating is limited. Once each seat in the CTAC is filled no more candidates will be admitted. Apply and schedule your exam at a CTAC earlier in the month when more seats are available. No one may wait for you inside of a CTAC, including children.

Title of Exam Exam No. Application/Scheduling
Start Date
Testing Period
Traffic Enforcement Agent 0306 8/28/2019 9/3/2019 – 9/30/2019

Other Open-Competitive Exams

Exams listed below are NOT administered regularly at the CTACs and may be paper-and-pencil or computer-based multiple-choice tests and/or Education & Experience tests. Refer to the NOE for details.

Title of Exam Exam No. Application Period
Assistant Architect 0121 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Assistant Superintendent of Welfare Shelters 0122 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Associate Contract Specialist 0123 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Inspector (Elevator) 0113 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Maintenance Worker 0116 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Maintenance Worker (CUNY) 0194 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Maintenance Worker (NYC H+H) 0117 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Media Services Technician 0125 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Probation Officer 0191 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Project Manager 0126 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Public Health Sanitarian 0127 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Sanitation Enforcement Agent 0193 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Stationary Engineer 0108 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Stationary Engineer (CUNY) 0801 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Stationary Engineer (NYC H+H) 0109 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019

Exams for City Employees

Qualified Incumbent Examination (QIE)

Note: The Application end dates vary for some exams

Title of Exam Exam No. Application Period
* * *

Promotion Computer-Based Exams Administered at the CTACs

Important Information: Electronic devices, including cell phones, are not permitted in the testing areas. Check the Notice of Examination to see if calculators are permitted. If requesting a fee waiver, you must provide a copy of acceptable documentation. DCAS staff cannot make copies of your documentation. Seating is limited. Once each seat in the CTAC is filled no more candidates will be admitted. No one may wait for you inside of a CTAC, including children.

Title of Exam Exam No. Application Period
* * *

Other Promotion Exams

Exams listed below are not necessarily administered at the CTACs and may be paper-and-pencil or computer-based multiple-choice tests and/or Education & Experience tests. Refer to the NOE for details.

Open this Month

Title of Exam Exam No. Application Period
Associate Contract Specialist (Prom) 0513 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Associate Public Health Sanitarian (Prom) 0514 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Associate Youth Development Specialist (Prom) 0515 POSTPONED
Stationary Engineer (CUNY) (Prom) 0592 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Stationary Engineer (NYC H+H) (Prom) 0505 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019
Stationary Engineer (Prom) 0506 9/5/2019 – 9/25/2019

Continuous Filing

Tests held several times a year

Title of Exam Exam No. Application Period
* * *


Subscribe to the DCAS Mailing List and select “City Jobs and Civil Service Announcements” to receive monthly updates on upcoming exams.

Notice of Exam Archive

Can’t find the job title you’re looking for? To obtain information regarding qualifications or eligibility requirements and the exam description for an exam given in the past, visit the Notice of Examinations Archive using one of the links below:

Open Competitive Exam Notice Archive

Promotion Exam Notice Archive

Qualified Incumbent Exam Notice Archive

Apply at the CTAC on test date.

Source: Current & Upcoming Exams – Department of Citywide Administrative Services