Hey NYC YOUTH! Cityparks Foundation is offering YOUTH Golf Lessons Summer 2023
Hey NYC YOUTH! Cityparks Foundation is offering YOUTH Golf Lessons Summer 2023. CityParks Golf teaches kids how to play golf and experience the many positive life skills learned by the game. The program, held in partnership with The First Tee of Metropolitan NY, offers free instruction at local parks citywide as well as two golf centers designed just for youth
For up-to-the-minute program updates, please visit their Twitter page.
City Parks Foundation is launching a new registration platform through LeagueApps in 2023. When registering for a program, you will be prompted to create a profile for you and/or your family. This profile will be used when signing up for any CityParks Play programs moving forward. They encourage you to save your login credentials for future reference. If you are registering multiple children for programs, please only create one membership profile and add each of your children to the account. Should you have any questions or experience any issues with the registration process please contact us at sports@cityparksfoundation.org.
Ages 7 – 17
Citywide, July – August
Once Weekly, Free
The summer beginner program transforms local neighborhood ball fields into driving ranges and practice greens to introduce the basic skills of the game. The final class is held at a nearby golf course. After completing the 6-week program, students are invited to continue to learn and play at a CityParks Junior Golf Center in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn or at Golf Center Annex in Flushing, Queens.
Check back for updates as additional sites may be added and schedule changes may occur.
Ages 8 – 17
April – October
The Junior Golf Center, located next to the Dyker Beach public golf course in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, is a comprehensive training facility that offers free instruction, practice time, and use of equipment for all ability levels. Classroom discussions on life skills, healthy habits, and core values complement skill-building. Weekly sessions are held for 7 weeks in Spring, Summer, and Fall. For more information on our program, visit Junior Golf Center web page.
Ages 8 – 17
May – October
The Junior Golf Center Annex at the Flushing Meadows Park Pitch and Putt golf course in Queens offers free instruction and use of equipment for beginners and select intermediate golfers. Participants have access to a netted driving range, practice green, and an 18-hole Par-3 course. In 2022, lessons will be held once a week for 7 weeks in Spring, Summer, and Fall. For more information on their program, visit Junior Golf Center Annex web page.
Generous private support for CityParks Golf is provided by The Linda B. and Howard S. Stern Family Foundation, L+M Development Partners, The Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation, American Seniors Golf Association, American Golf Foundation, The Venable Foundation, and the LPGA Foundation. Supporting sponsor Lacoste, The First Tee.