NYC Parks’ Urban Wildlife Calendar

Meet your wild neighbors!

Nearly 8.5 million New Yorkers share their streets, backyards, waterfront, parks, and beaches with more than 600 species of wild animals. The city’s 29,000 acres of parklands are prime real estate for wildlife in search of food, shelter, and places to raise their families. So don’t be surprised if you see a hawk sitting at your bus stop, or deer and coyotes strolling through your local park—after all, they are New Yorkers, too!

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What to Do When Encountering Wildlife

Most of NYC’s wildlife are not dangerous; however, maintaining a safe distance is the best way to protect your safety and the safety of our wild neighbors. If you see an injured animal, leave the animal where it is, give it some distance, and call 311. If there’s any immediate danger, please call 911. Visit WildlifeNYC  to learn more about local urban wildlife and how best ot coexist with them, and to report coyote, deer, fox, and raccoon sightings.

When and Where to See Wildlife in NYC

Like all New Yorkers, wildlife living in urban areas love to explore their city. Use our wildlife calendar to learn about what’s happening with your wildlife neighbors each month, and find parks where you might be able to better see them in action.


It may surprise some people to learn that there are coyotes living in New York City, but some of the first coyotes to arrive in the area moved to the Bronx from parts of New York State in the 1990s, so these fascinating animals have been New Yorkers for a while now. You are most likely to see or hear coyotes during mating season, which occurs from January through March. Coyotes look a bit like domestic dogs, although with a flatter forehead, more pointed snout, and longer legs. If you see a coyote—they can be observed during the day—don’t panic. Although they have a fearsome reputation, most coyotes are not dangerous to people. However, their lives and your safety depend upon coyotes remaining naturally wary of people, so please observe and appreciate them from a distance, and please do not feed them. Learn Five Easy Tips for Coexisting with Coyotes

Best Viewing Locations: Van Cortlandt Park, Pelham Bay Park


Because the trees are bare, winter is the best time of year to spot owls that live high up in our trees. Owls can be seen perched in their nests starting as early as January or February. They are mostly active at night, but sometimes also hunt during the day. Northern saw-whet, great-horned, screech, and barred owls are among the most common species of owls in NYC. Learn more about owls in our parks