Staten Island playwright Joe Simonelli presents his hilarious comedy “Old Ringers” in a six performance run at The Little Victory Theatre starting September 8th and running thru September 16thImage result for old ringers play

The play deals with four seniors who, due to an obscene phone call, come up with a creative way to earn some extra cash!

Joe Franklin of Bloomberg radio called the play

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“A comedy masterpiece! Mr. Simonelli has provided a timely take on how four seniors cope with a shrinking .economy and their shrinking pocketbooks!  Go see it now!”

The play stars Simonelli regulars Anne Young, Beth Siegel-Graf,  Dorri Aspinwall,  Laura Rose Cook, Frank Logan, Jay Minkoff and Lori Jean Sigrist

The play is directed by Lori Jean Sigrist.

Performance dates are September 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, at 8:pm and September 10th at 2 PM

Please note that the final matinee on Sept. 17 is SOLD OUT!

Tickets are $20 general admission. $17 for seniors and students. Thurs. Sept.14th all tickets are just $15.

Group rates are available for ten or more. Dinner packages are available.

The Little Victory Theatre is an intimate venue located at 4089 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, NY.

Limited seating – reservations strongly suggested!

call 347-355-8989 for tickets and information.

Mr. Simonelli is a published playwright whose plays get performed regularly throughout the United States and Canada.

Visit for details and upcoming shows