Snug Harbor Staten Island Presents: Chinese New Year CelebrationSnug Harbor Staten Island Presents: Chinese New Year Celebration2018

Snug Harbor Staten Island Presents:

Chinese New Year Celebration

January 22, 2023 @ 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Snug Harbor Staten Island Presents:
Chinese New Year Celebration Come welcome the Year of the Water Rabbit with a Chinese New Year Celebration! Children of all ages will enjoy treats, tales, and traditional crafts as part of one of the biggest cultural celebrations in the world.

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WHEN: January 22 | 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
WHERE: Lobby of Building P at Snug Harbor
ADMISSION: General admission: $10 | Student/Senior/Snug Harbor Member: $8


Wear red and gold when you come to Snug Harbor to celebrate Chinese New Year with us! Families with children can participate in storytelling, arts and crafts, performances, and snacks. Adults without kids can also participate in this immersive cultural celebration with a calligraphy workshop. Weather permitting, the Shaolin Kung Fu Lion Dancers will lead our culminating parade to and tour of the New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden.

Chinese New Year in 2023 starts on Sunday, January 22, and ends on Thursday, February 9, 2023. According to the Chinese Horoscope, the Year of the Water Rabbit brings with its gentleness and serenity, which allows us to heal wounds, and reacquire inner balance and time to plan for the future. Gung hei fat choy!

This program is made possible with funding provided by the New York City Council through the Cultural Immigrant Initiative, a program of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.  Snug Harbor thanks Staten Island City Council Members for their generous allocations.