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Art Lab Summer Studio Scholarship Program (SSSP) Deadline Extended!

The deadline for Art Lab’s Summer Studio Scholarship Program has been extended to June 17, 2018!

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The six-week summer intensive program for teens and adults begins July 2nd. The program is available to teens ages 13 and up who are seriously committed to art and may be considering the pursuit of art in college, and to those adults looking for a more structured and challenging art class. Students will experience extended studio time and benefit from a constant exchange between peers and professional artists who will act as instructors and mentors.

Call Art Lab for more information or for an application at 718-447-8667!

DeadlineJune 17, 2018

FOR SUMMER ART CAMP AT ART LAB!Register for Summer Art Camp with Art Lab!

Camp Kandinsky is for ages 3-5 and is one month of Mondays and Fridays in July or August from 10AM – 12PM OR 12:30pm – 2:30 PM.

Camp Picasso is for ages 6-12 and consists of two-week sessions of Tues-Thurs. Full and Half-Days available. There is a sibling discount on all camps and classes and a multiple session discount for Camp Picasso! Register online at or call us at 718-447-8667!

DeadlineJuly 2, 2018