Staten Island COVID-19 – Resources and Information Network


For information about the volunteers on this project, see the very bottom of this document.


A group of volunteers is working on this project. You can reach us at

We currently have a Facebook Group and welcome help from volunteers who could maintain Instagram.

A Facebook Page is imminent, and we will create a Twitter if there is a demand. If you have any questions or comments, any information or resources for this document, or would like to help with this effort, please email

Quick references

SI Community COVID-19 Services Map: SI Resource Map by Marilyn Zayfert


Borough President’s Office HelpLine         718-816-2000


NYC info: or text COVID to 692692

(En español, COVIDESP a 692692)


NY State info:


Report price gouging to NYS Attorney General:                                                                        Form to report price gouging Sobriety: Online resources and support                                                                                    Online AA meetings and resources National domestic violence hotline:                                                                        1-800-799-7233

Project Hospitality Mobile Pantry Locations – Free Produce and Social Services Assistance                                                                                                               M obile pantry and services


Need Assistance? Want to volunteer? Individuals who are elderly, sick, or in need of assistance may reach out to MAS Staten Island Center.


M Muslim American Society of SI

S submit mutual aid form

Or email: phone: 718-667-1896



Staten Island COVID-19 Volunteers-            Google Form


Staten Island Mutual Aid Network (FAM)       Google Document, Tweet


Volunteers to sew masks for Staten Island                       sign up form here

Note: desired design and materials being discussed with healthcare providers; volunteer sewists can sign up for when that info is ready


Fare It Forward – donating transit fare to SI now out of work. Note: all bus entry now from rear with no fare collection.

Fare it Forward FB Group


Immediate Needs / News

The City of New York is seeking New York State-certified healthcare workers to support healthcare facility needs.


New York State-certified healthcare workers registration (in two parts) NYC official reg for Healthcare workers


Mask/Glove/ Supply Donation to front line medical personnel- Info


Mask/Glove/ Supply Donation NYC-wide repository for masks/gloves


Medical Needs



Contact your doctor or healthcare provider as first step if feeling ill. If you do NOT have a regular healthcare provider and feel ill, you may call 311.

NYC health-specific site: NYC DoH COVID page from NYC Gov:

All New Yorkers should consider themselves potentially exposed to coronavirus. That means that everyone should stay home as much as possible, even if they do not have any symptoms of COVID-19.


You should consult with your doctor if:

  • Have fever, cough, shortness of breath or other cold or flu-like symptoms and do not feel better after three to four days
  • Have mild symptoms and are an older adult or have any of the chronic health conditions listed above
  • Use telephone, text, telemedicine or a patient portal to reach out rather than going to your doctor in

If you need help finding a healthcare provider, call 311. NYC Health guidance *NEW as of 3/22

Self-Monitoring and Getting Tested

While at home, all New Yorkers should monitor their health. Self-monitoring means you check yourself for fever and remain alert for COVID-19 symptoms — fever, cough, shortness of breath and sore throat.


If you think you have COVID-19 and your illness is mild, you do not need to see your health care provider and you will not be tested. Getting tested will not change what your provider will tell you to do to get better. They will tell you to stay home so you do not get others sick.


Unless you are hospitalized and a diagnosis will impact your care, you will not be tested. Limiting testing protects health care workers and saves essential medical supplies, such as masks and gloves, that are in short supply.


To find out whether you can qualify for Medicaid or other free and low cost health insurance.


Free COVID-19 specific training – C OVID guide for Service Providers, therapists, etc.


Mental Health Support


Coping with Stress – NYC Well Free confidential mental health support svc
Conflict Management Team of NYCID

Can conduct phone & video mediation and conflict coaching

Text RESOLVE to 51555,

or submit online form Submit contact info via contact form online

Sobriety: Online AA meetings Online AA meetings and resources
Understanding Coronavirus For Kids with Disabilities


Supportive site to help explain to people with disabilities To aid in understanding what’s happening
Resources for social workers for self care & how to support others buffer27efc&utm_medium=social&
Free self care and anxiety workbook OOK.pdf
Resources for direct support professionals –

Homebound Seniors


Meals on Wheels Staten Island Roseann Holt – volunteer coordinator 718-727-4435

Relief Funds

Emergency relief and grocery/meal funds to donate to or request from


Groceries and meals funds


City Harvest Staten Island rep

City Harvest can accept only batches of 3,000 lbs or more for pickup at this point. However, for smaller batches of prepared food or packaged food, either contact the pantries and soup kitchens near you or email, who will connect you to a pantry or soup kitchen. For instructions and information on safe handling of donated food, see h ttps://


Project Hospitality 718-448-1544


Project Hospitality will accept trays of pasta and community-serveable food in this time of need. Six trays are needed daily. To adopt one tray or more (can be picked up if you cannot deliver) call 718-448-1544 x134 or email

Food and Food Insecurity

Emergency Food

From NYC gov: If you need emergency food assistance, call the Emergency Food Hotline at 866-888-8777 or 311 to find a local pantry or kitchen. There is no income limit for emergency food.

Food Pantries / Services



SI Hunger Task Force – food pantries, etc.
Project Hospitality 718-448-1544
Food Bank for New York City
Hunger Solutions NY – SNAP WIC


School Food / Child Wellness



Free Grab-n-Go Meals for Students List of Schools to pickup 646-930-4526

Find the nearest DoE site providing free meals for student by texting 877-877 “food” or “comida”.

Adult or student can pick up breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m- 1:30 p.m.

Text “food” to 877-877

(En esp, enviar “COMIDA” a 877-877)




Food Research and Action Center



As of March 16, eviction proceedings and pending orders are suspended statewide until further notice. Housing court functions such as landlord lockouts, repair orders, and serious code violations will continue.

Anyone with knowledge of City marshals attempting to execute on warrants of eviction can report this activity by calling DOI’s Bureau of City Marshals at (212) 825-5953.

Support for eviction prevention: Bronx Works, Catholic Charities – helps regardless of denomination, C oalition for the Homeless


Metropolitan Council on Housing has a tenants’ rights hotline with new expanded hours.

Call 212-979-0611

They also seek volunteers to help by phone via this form: Met Council volunteer form




Further info, by NYC social workers: Resource doc by NYC LCSWs




Donate Blood


Red Cross      make an appointment
New York Blood Center


Healthcare Provider Surge Staffing


New York State-certified healthcare workers registration (in two parts)
Healthcare Facilities Request Form for Surge Staffing


Childcare info in progress

If you are deemed an essential worker by NYC who must report to work, you may qualify to have your chil(dren) attend a Regional Enrichment Center, open 7:30am – 6:00pm Monday-Friday, starting on Monday, March 23rd.


Visit this link and complete form




Education info upcoming


College students offering FREE online tutoring to NYC students: tutoring request form




Couriers and Delivery info upcoming




Health and Fitness

Emotional wellness and activities


Stay Connected to friends and family virtually LA Times article with connectivity advice
Understanding Coronavirus For Kids with Disabilities
Free full-screen playlist of 10 popular short films, featuring people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, For all our followers, participants, agency staff, parents… that are staying inside during this stressful time – I hope these unique films will be an enjoyable and meaningful distraction.
Free 88 things to do at home – could make it a group challenge!




Online Fitness Classes


Silver Sneakers – Online Fitness Classes SilverSneakersFacebook Live Stream: SilverSneakers Total-Body Conditioning


 Arts & Entertainment Radio / Music Streaming


Maker Park Radio – Staten Island
Shakespeare from The Globe Theatre Globe Theatre Streaming
Billboard List of Free Online Concerts Billboard Online Streams
The Moth – Storytelling Podcasts
NYPL New York Public Library from home – books/music/movies/ and more! NYPL remote resources
Broadway Stars – Daily Concerts on Line  

Playbill link to watch

Art projects bilebasic
Quarantine karaoke facebook group – SUPER INCLUSIVE!


Learn A New Skill


How to Play Piano
How to



Utilities info upcoming


Con Edison will not shut off service for nonpayment during this crisis.

Further info from Con Edison, including waiving late payment fees and suspending meter readings, can be found at Con Ed’s site re: COVID If you have an electrical emergency, call 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633)

(Emergencies requiring FDNY or NYPD, call 911.)




Fundraisers & Cash Assistance



Advocacy and Organizing

(Info upcoming)

*Until this section populated, go to Resource Guide prepared by NYC social workers, here: Resource doc by LCSWs here

 Per NYC Gov, if you are being harassed due to your race, nation of origin or other identities, call 311 or file a complaint online. For more info about your rights to be free from discriminatory harassment,

visit NYC Commission on Human Rights


Immigration Justice


Economic Justice


Housing Justice


Criminal Justice


Health Care



Local Staten Island and NY Information

NYC/NY State Information

NYC and Mayor Bill de Blasio – or text COVID to 692692. Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): What You Need to Know

NY State and Governor Andrew Cuomo – NYC Department of Health – 2019 Novel Coronavirus




Gothamist – Daily Updates,

How To Prepare For The Coronavirus In NYC, FAQ

New York Times – Coronavirus Live Updates Gotham Gazette



NYC K-12 Schools – Coronavirus update NYC schools are closed from Monday March 16 through April 20 at minimum CUNY – Coronavirus Update


Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Institutions

New York Public Library – All New York Public Library locations will be closed to the public beginning on Saturday, March 14 through at least Tuesday, March 31

Brooklyn Public Library – Closed starting Monday March 16

Broadway – New York Is Shutting Down Broadway Shows And All Gatherings Over 500 People Brooklyn Museum – Closed starting Friday, March 13


Other Information and Resources

General COVID-19

Coronavirus Resource Kit – Covid-19 Mutual Aid & Advocacy Resources – Google Document

Coronavirus Tech Handbook: a crowdsourced resource for technologists building things related to the coronavirus outbreak – Google Document

NYC DSA COVID-19 Resource Guide Tech:NYC COVID-19 Resource Guide

Information for medical professionals (very detailed): COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources link

COVID-19 Mutual Aid

Article on COVID-19 mutual aid groups and how-to resources – IGD article

Guide on COVID-19 safety practices for mutual aid projects web PDF download print PDF download Specific Issues

Building classroom communities during Coronavirus – Google Document Futures Without Violence on Covid-19 Regarding Domestic Violence – Website

Scientific Information

Ask a Scientist COVID-19 Questions, this is still in development so keep on checking back as it improves but it is live now –

Johns Hopkins University’s global tracking of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 – The COVID Tracking Project compiled, comprehensive testing data –

COVID-19 in the US and Canada Tracking document, updated daily with local and regional and national data –

New York Times Article on SARS-CoV-2 biology with illustrations –


Coronavirus Misinformation Tracking Center –




Who is this and who else is involved?

This group is a “Cooperative” and modeled from the mutual aid example, because it’s dependent upon the cooperation of everyday people, organizations, and elected officials. The most important partner here is YOU. We are regularly consulting with elected officials, existing organizations, and experts in their respective fields to provide and share only confirmed and vetted info and updates.


Your cooperation (reading forms and instructions), generosity of energy, talent, skills, and vision will be the most important determination of how well our Staten Island neighbors will fare during this emergency.

There is no plan to create or register an official organization out of this grassroots effort; the priority is exclusively on managing current and anticipated needs that may arise throughout this emergency.

There will be no exchange or request of funds at any time, although we may amplify “asks” from organizations on occasion.


Info about collaborators:

Cooperative organizations – and helpful individuals involved in those orgs, and independently helpful – include Marilyn Zayfert, creator of (updated regularly with COVID crisis info); Sarah Blas of Richmond Terrace Community Gardens and local wellness orgs; Gena Mimozo, Deputy Director of Staten Island Arts (the borough’s arts council) and member of SI Democratic Socialists of America; Diane Painter Velletri, Producer, Project Manager, Creative and Marketing Director; Volunteer with City Harvest, Citymeals on Wheels, Advisory Board member of West Side Campaign Against Hunger; member of Staten Island Women who March whose members are also contributing; NYCID (the NY Center for Interpersonal Development); the “SI contingent” of elected officials; Civic Associations across the Island; MAS Staten Island; and multiple nonprofits.


Group initiated by Natalie DeVito in cooperation and consultation with all the above, and inspired by Mutual Aid models across the country. Natalie is a disabled activist and advocate on Staten Island. She runs a Facebook group for Staten Islanders with food allergies and celiac disease, and one for fellow alumni of LaGuardia HS and its legacy schools. She volunteers and organizes with local groups centered on human rights and progressive causes, including Move Forward Staten Island, SIWwM, Fight Back Bay Ridge, and NYCID. She is married to Michael DeVito, Jr.