The Snow Shoveling for Seniors Program Needs Your Help

The following are the volunteers by school based on returned parental consent forms for schools with 5 or more volunteers. Please note we have nearly 3,500 seniors requesting assistance.12565461_10208783956144398_7270145949648768599_n43 Monsignor Farrell
41 St. Peters
16 Notre Dame
13 Tottenville
12 New Dorp
7 Our Lady of Good Council
6 Wagner
5 IS 24
5 St. Joseph Hill
5 Staten Island Tech
5 St Clares
No other schools have more than 5 volunteers. We also have over 100 students who have registered but not returned parental consent forms.

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There is going to be a storm this weekend and there are going to be many seniors who will not get assistance as we currently have less then 400 volunteers. Also right now it looks like Farrell will be receiving the $500 award for most volunteers. We have no grammar or middle schools with the minimum 25 students to be eligible so we might give a $500 award to the school with the second most volunteers. (minimum 25 volunteers).

They have reached out to every school on Staten Island but unfortunately there are many Staten Island schools with no volunteers at all. Students who participate adopt a senior for the winter (within walking distance of their home) and shovel the sidewalk and path to the front door each time it snows. In return they receive 10 hours of community service credit at the end of the winter.

If we receive an application by tomorrow we can assign a senior by this weekend.
If you have any questions feel free to call Dennis McKeon at 718-966-6531.