Do you know who the people in your neighborhood are? Staten Island Arts does! Join Executive Director Elizabeth Bennett, Deputy Director Gena Mimozo and Special Projects Manager Ann Marie Selzer on a video walking tour celebrating some of the many artist-owned businesses on the North Shore.

This video was produced by studio BK—a product of BRIC Arts Media and BRIC Arts Media TV—for participants in the Neighborhood 360 initiative of the New York City Department of Small Business Services. Staten Island Arts is grateful to SBS for its investment in the Bay Street corridor of the North Shore through N360, which was created to identify, develop, and launch commercial revitalization projects in partnership with local stakeholders. Neighborhood 360 supports projects that strengthen and revitalize the streets, small businesses, and community-based organizations that anchor New York City neighborhoods. Learn more about this program HERE. We hope you enjoy this fun glimpse into the connection between commerce and culture!

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This program is made possible through public funding provided by the NYC Department of Small Business Services. The Neighborhood 360 Program was created by the NYC Department of Small Business Services to identify, develop, and launch commercial revitalization projects in partnership with local stakeholders.